Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rs. 48,000 Crores Business Opportunity in Mobile Value Added Services - Sify

New Delhi, Delhi, India:Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) will be launching video on demand for its mobile phone subscribers in a month’s time. The announcement was made by Chairman & Managing Director Shri Rakesh K Upadhyay, BSNL while inaugurating VAS ASIA 2012, 12th International Conference & Exhibition at New Delhi, organized by Bharat Exhibitions.

“The MVAS industry is expected to create a business opportunity worth around INR 48,000 crore by the year 2015. This in itself is a clear indication of the future of VAS services in India. No doubt this has created a new excitement for all those who are in this space and for those who are entering,” said Shashi Dharan, Managing Director, Bharat Exhibitions.

During his address, Shri A. K. Bhargava, Executive Director (Wireless Service) Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) said that the story of the value added service on the mobile phone is just the beginning. “All products on the mobile phone are for the masses, there is a requirement of creative innovation, which should be cost effective and for masses Shri Bhargava added.

The emergence of the mobile phone as the single device for a host of services has changed the paradigm in the communication and entertainment industries with several discreet devices being displaced in favour of a single device, said Mr. Rajan S. Mathews, Director-General of Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). He drew attention to some emerging problems in the telecommunication area where customer charges needed to be as low as possible for the mass communication device to be affordable to the last man. “The “exploding cost of regulation” is a critical issue. The increasing introduction of regulatory issues into what is actually market driven service is affecting the growth of this sector, “said Mr. Mathews.

“Mobile internet users are expected to surpass the desktop Internet users 2014. The disparity in the time spent on mobile (10 per cent) and the advertisement spend (1per cent) would also rebalance soon, thereby boosting revenue from the mobile VAS for the operators. With advertising revenue rising by at least three times in two years from now this sector will also bridge the social media and location based marketing with personalization that was not possible till now, “ said Mr. Alex Moukas, CEO Velti, while delivering the keynote address at the VAS Asia 2012. He further added that explosive mobile Internet adoption will surpass the desk top users.

“India’s Internet users penetration will rise to 35 per cent by 2015 and more than three quarters will choose mobile phone access,” said Mr. Sukesh Jain, head VAS & Content, Bharti Airtel. The total Internet access capability by 2015 is expected to rise from 100 million to 450 million, of which 41 percent will be using mobile only and another 38 per cent both cell phone and PC. Data service on the mobile is expected to broaden and deepen customer experience with the cell phone with the consequent improvement in the operator revenues. Revenue contribution from current VAS services is expected to come down as revenues from data increase as a percentage of total revenue.

What was holding back the prospect of huge revenues from mobile VAS was the fact that smart phone base was growing slowly till recently. In the first quarter of this year out of 50 million new devices sold, smart phones constituted only 2.7 million and the total smart phone base in the country is around 27 million, while the total subscribers base have crossed 950 million. The population that needs to be addressed is the regional language speakers who are the large majority compared to only 7 per cent knowing English speaking population.

“Mobile VAS has huge revenue potentials, the global average share of MVAS revenue is leading user countries is pegged at approximately 23 per cent ,” said Mr. Chandan Ghosh, Head -Global Wholesale & Carrier Business , Aircel Limited. The drive to increase average revenue per user and gain customer loyalty in a highly competitive market has led operators to liven up their mobile portfolios. Operators are looking at various means to use MVAS as a growth driver and key differentiator. According to him the industry falling prices of handsets and increasing competition was forcing manufacturers to shift focus to services. For operators falling voice revenues, increasing competition and heavy investments in 3G have made them to turn to VAS to secure their business.

New opportunities were emerging for banks, educational institutions and health care providers to use value added services over their mobile. This could be the game that operators would have to address to improve their revenues. The broad categories for successful monetization of MVAS were in M-education, M-commerce, M-Health and M-Infotainment. “The end game is not about generating new revenues. It’s about delivering compelling customer experience in order to extract new value from existing customers”, said Mr. Ghosh.

“The opportunity for the technology players to play a critical role in the further expansion of the Indian VAS Market has become more crucial now”, said Mr. John He, CEO, DONJIN Communication Technology Co. Ltd.

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In a world where technology is erasing borders, it is indeed ironical that professionals find it increasingly difficult to maintain peer to peer contact on regular basis. Bharat Exhibitions fills in this space by managing and hosting some of India’s premier Telecom & IT events. We own niche and prestigious conference properties in the new generation technology arena such as VAS Asia, LTE India, Broadband Tech India, Enterprise India, Cloud Computing India, Data Centre India, Green Telecom India and Mobile Payment India. We have a simple mission: Establish & deliver contacts that create value for your business.

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Small business opportunities workshop at ABIA - The Business Journal

The city of Austin will hold a workshop next week to discuss small business opportunities at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport    Austin-Bergstrom International Airport Latest from The Business Journals Delta fined nearly M for alleged violationsAustin launches F1 website with business sectionExpedia study: International arrivals up at George Bush Intercontinental Airport Follow this company .

The free event on June 26 will cover business contract opportunities with car rental agencies and other concession businesses at ABIA.

“This workshop is designed to connect concessionaires at ABIA with small, minority and women-owned firms that can provide local food, office supplies, maintenance and repair to name a few scopes of work,” said Debra Dibble, acting director for the Small and Minority Business Resources Department.

The workshop will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at 2800 Spirit of Texas Drive in the Learning and Research Center near the airport’s cell phone lot.

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After the Arab Spring, a Rush to Do Business in the Middle East

More than a year has passed since the Arab Spring, the catchall name for the revolutions sweeping the Middle East. The political and economic changes have closed some doors and opened others for business people willing to tolerate risk.

“I have seen a flurry of activity because of the Arab Spring that was not happening before,” said Naava Mashiah, an Israeli who is the chief executive of M.E. Links, a consulting company that she described as working “to nurture economic relationships between Israel and other places.”

Ms. Mashiah, who works out of Geneva, said much of the activity is in soft diplomacy and informal development meetings, often coordinated with human rights and nongovernmental organizations. She mentioned helping clients develop contacts in or from locations that include Tunisia, Qatar, Egypt and Libya.

“It is bringing people together, even if it is a think tank,” she said, adding: “A lot of networking goes on in the corridors.” She described the current back-channel activity and potential as akin to the 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians, which touched off an economic boom.

Chuck Dittrich, executive director of the U.S.-Libya Business Association, said he thought that American business people needed to “just get over there and get a feel for the place,” even if it did not seem immediately productive.

Mr. Dittrich said that association members were meeting Libyan government officials and business people, and that they were “not so much there to sell, as more developing relationships as they do their planning process and decide where to go now.” He mentioned Libyan trade shows focusing on oil, transportation and infrastructure development, health and education.

Mr. Dittrich said the Libyan economy had begun to be liberalized in 2005, when Muammar el-Qaddafi, then president, began courting the West. From a business perspective, he said, that means “the glass is more than half full,” adding, “The ingredients are all there for them to pull this off in a very good way.”

American businesses that wait too long, fearing the risks, could be left behind, he said. Mr. Dittrich said his group visited in April, and “we were the first organized U.S. business organization to go to Tripoli since the conflict.” But, he said, “Turkish and European delegations were there right from the early days.”

But a business traveler briefly stopping in the region has to make different preparations from someone who is based in a country in the midst of change. Marshall L. Stocker, a chartered financial analyst with the Boston hedge fund manager Emergent Property Advisors, moved to Cairo in June 2010, and temporarily fled after the mass protests began on Jan. 25, 2011.

“In Egypt, cells were off, the Internet was off. Obviously there was no business to be done. I was barricaded in my apartment,” he said, adding, “I self-evacuated to the airport with tickets for three different flights” that his wife had arranged for him from the United States.

Mr. Stocker returned in February 2011, after Hosni Mubarak resigned as president. Despite the disruptions, he said, Egypt presents business opportunities. “Now is a great time to buy assets,” he said. “Conceptually, and in practice here, assets are falling in value.”

He said his company was interested in Egypt because of the direction its business climate was moving. “One of the things that attracted us to Egypt was that the World Bank had improved its ‘ease of doing business’ rating,” he said. “Egypt had become more hospitable to investment. From 2004 to 2007, it had the single greatest improvement in ‘ease of doing business’ of any country in the world.”

While things have generally settled, he said he was prepared for emergencies. “As a result of the Arab Spring, I bought political evacuation insurance, and I have a satellite phone,” he said. He uses Global Rescue, a company that provides medical evacuation, security services and other emergency assistance. Still, Mr. Stocker said some Cairo business travel costs had decreased, including hotel rates and airfares.

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Profit Mastery Announces New Agent Opportunity for Business Consultants to Expand Service Offerings -

Profit Mastery announced today the launch of a new Profit Mastery Agent program, offering business coaches, consultants and advisors the opportunity to generate incremental revenue and create expanded consulting opportunities by bringing the highly-acclaimed Profit Mastery financial education curriculum directly to their clients for the first time.

A study done by Inc. magazine and the National Business Incubator Association revealed that 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first five years. The business experts at Profit Mastery believe this failure is most often caused by the poor financial management of companies.

Over the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of business owners have completed the Profit Mastery program, and those that have applied Profit Mastery to their businesses have proved to be better credit risks for banks, hired more staff, opened more locations, and operated their businesses more profitably. Increased profit provides the resources necessary for small businesses to take advantage of new opportunities and promote economic growth in their communities.

"The many requests we've had from business coaches and advisors led us to create this new Profit Mastery Agent opportunity," said Steve LeFever, Chairman of Profit Mastery. "Agents can now dovetail long-term consulting relationships with their clients to implement these critically important financial tools into their businesses -- thereby expanding their consulting revenue opportunities and extending the client lifecycle."

A Profit Mastery Agent has four sources of direct delivery income: selling online registrations to the Profit Mastery University online streaming video portal, conducting live/facilitated classes, selling monthly Profit Guard reports, and engaging clients in ongoing monthly consulting. Commission revenues can also be earned through the sales of performance groups, benchmark studies, and keynote presentations delivered by Profit Mastery staff. Additional commissioned revenue comes through recruiting/referring new agents.

The Profit Mastery Agent program includes:

? Unlimited access to the Profit Mastery University (PMU) online streaming video curriculum for both online self-study and live/facilitated programs that Agents present;
? A facilitator guide and certification upon completion of the online PMU training;
? A customized landing page for each Agent?s website with promotional link to the Profit Mastery website;
? A customized shopping cart exclusively for Agent clients;
? All fulfillment services for Profit Mastery online registrations;
? Marketing collateral materials to help promote the agent business and ongoing support from Profit Mastery staff3.

Complete information regarding the Profit Mastery Agent opportunity is located at

About Profit Mastery

Profit Mastery ( is a team of former business owners, bankers, and finance professionals that help small business owners deliver a bigger bottom line ? by linking financial management education, benchmarking and peer performance groups. We are passionate about delivering practical financial management tools to improve the profitability and cash flow of those we serve.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Research and Markets: Business Opportunities in the Rail & Road Infrastructure Construction Industry in China: Market ...


Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Business Opportunities in the Rail & Road Infrastructure Construction Industry in China: Market Profile" report to their offering.

The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights into the rail and road infrastructure construction market in China, including:

- A comprehensive and specific analysis of market attractiveness, covering the key trends and drivers across China

- Detailed market sizes for a period of ten years (2007-2016), including category level analysis by construction activity and by cost type

- Detailed insights into the regulatory frameworks, market entry strategies and expansion strategies relevant to the rail and road infrastructure construction market

Reasons To Buy

- Make strategic business decisions using historic and forecast market data related to the rail and road infrastructure construction market in China and each category within it

- Identify the key market trends and opportunities for both existing companies and prospective new market entrants

- Assess the competitive landscape in the rail and road infrastructure construction market enabling the formulation of effective market-entry strategies

- Gain insights into the marketing strategies used by rail and road infrastructure construction companies

Key Topics Covered:

BRIC Countries Comparison

1.1 Rail Infrastructure Construction - Industry Attractiveness

1.2 Road Infrastructure Construction - Industry Attractiveness

1.3 Macroeconomic Drivers


2.1 Analyst Opinion and Future Outlook

2.2 Infrastructure Construction Market Dynamics

- Market share of transport infrastructure

- Key trends and emerging areas

- Regulation

2.3 Analysis of Market Drivers

- Economic activity

- Reforms undertaken by the government

- Additional government initiatives

- Foreign direct investment

- PPPs in infrastructure development

- Chinese authorities planning to build more highways over the forecast period

2.4 Chinese Rail Infrastructure Construction -Market Opportunity

- Rail infrastructure construction market by construction activity

- Rail infrastructure construction market by cost type

2.5 Road Infrastructure Construction - Market Opportunity

- Road Infrastructure construction market by construction activity

- Road Infrastructure construction market by cost type

2.6 Key Chinese Rail and Road Infrastructure Construction Projects

- Project name: HDOT/GDOT - Qiongzhou Strait Bridge - Hainan

- Project name: MoR - Hefei Urban Rail Transit System - Anhui

- Project name: MoRC/MoRP - Kashgar-Gwadar Railway Line - Xinjiang

- Project name: MoR - Second Trunk Railway Line - Xinjiang

- Other active projects

2.7 Industry Structure and Competitiveness

- Industry structure

- Major companies

2.8 Business and Operational Strategy


Companies Mentioned

- China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation

- China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd

- China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd

- Shanghai Construction Group Co.

- Shanghai Urban Construction (Group) Corporation

For more information, including full table of contents, please visit

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Travelers and NYSE Euronext CEOs Co-Host “Small Business – Big Opportunity” Symposium with SBA Chief Karen Mills as Keynote Speaker -

Bloomberg and Christie Administration Officials Discuss Ways to Spur Economic Growth and Job Creation

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Travelers Institute, the public policy division of The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV), today convened a discussion at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to raise awareness of issues impacting entrepreneurs and recommend solutions for success. Today's event culminates the national, multi-year “Small Business - Big Opportunity” symposia series, and U.S. Small Business Administration head Karen Mills delivered the keynote address.

At the event, Travelers Chairman and CEO Jay Fishman proposed specific solutions, including developing a three-year incubator period during which small businesses would face lower taxes and fewer regulatory requirements and penalties. He also recommended that cities and states consolidate overlapping and redundant regulations to reduce red tape.

“As one of the largest insurers of small businesses, we have a first-hand view of the challenges they face, and we feel a responsibility to advocate for their success,” said Fishman, whose father was a small business owner. “In addition, sound economic policy that promotes small business growth and job creation is important for our nation's economic success and preserving and promoting the American opportunity.”

NYSE Euronext CEO Duncan Niederauer discussed the company’s jobs-growth initiative, “The NYSE Big StartUpSM is a joint partnership to fuel new business creation, capital-raising activity and employment growth.”

“By connecting small businesses with established corporate enterprises, we are creating a thriving hub for collaboration and entrepreneurship offering startups and small enterprises new resources for boosting procurement, networking, business development, training and more job opportunities,” Niederauer said. “We applaud Travelers leadership in identifying ways to spur economic growth and job creation, and we welcome the opportunity to co-host the Small Business – Big Opportunity Symposium at the NYSE.”

In addition, Tokumbo Shobowale, who was recently appointed as the Chief Business Operations Officer by Mayor Bloomberg, detailed New York City’s successful efforts to reduce burdens on small businesses.

“New York City is working hard to consolidate regulations and reduce the time it takes to open a small enterprise,” he said. “To ensure the city continues to be a hub of opportunity and success for new entrepreneurs, Mayor Bloomberg has created, for example, a one-stop shop to help small restaurants obtain permits and satisfy other requirements. This step alone has helped open 546 restaurants, saving them an average of 72 days by cutting through the city bureaucracy. The effort has assisted in the creation of more than 6,000 jobs in the food-services industry.”

Elizabeth MacKay, Senior Policy Advisor to the New Jersey Department of State, discussed Gov. Chris Christie's bi-partisan “Red Tape Commission," which was created to identify and resolve onerous regulatory impediments. After the event, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno said the following in a statement: “We’re delighted that Travelers and the NYSE are helping to advocate for small businesses. For America’s economy to fully rebound and create jobs, we need to help small businesses by cutting needless and destructive red tape and reforming our regulatory process so that it’s sensible and predictable."

Speaking from her own experience building Lafayette 148 New York from a small business into a successful and significant U.S.-based employer, Deirdre Quinn noted that, “Starting and running a small business requires constant dedication, focus and attention to every detail. It is reassuring to know that business and government leaders alike are intent on finding solutions to the challenges that small business owners face. These efforts will further clear the way for the next generation of small businesses to achieve success and spur economic growth.”

The full panel consisted of nationally recognized economic and small business innovators and leaders:

Moderator: Joan Woodward, Executive Vice President of Public Policy and President, Travelers Institute Kate Mitchell, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Scale Venture Partners Deirdre Quinn, Co-Founder and President, Lafayette 148 New York Tokumbo Shobowale, Chief Business Operations Officer, City of New York Elizabeth MacKay, Senior Policy Advisor, New Jersey Department of State

The symposium at the NYSE is the eighth small business forum the Travelers Institute has hosted over the past 15 months. Last year, the company released a white paper, “Small Business, Big Opportunity,” outlining its principles for advocacy. Travelers commemorated today’s event by ringing The Opening BellSM on the floor of the NYSE.

About the Travelers InstituteThe Travelers Institute, the public policy division of The Travelers Companies, Inc., engages in discussion and analysis of public policy topics of importance to the insurance marketplace and the financial services industry. The Travelers Institute draws upon the industry expertise of Travelers' senior management and the technical expertise of many of Travelers' underwriters, risk managers and other experts to provide information and analysis to public policy makers and regulators. Travelers is a leading provider of property casualty insurance for auto, home and business. For more information, visit

TravelersAshley Maagero,

Source: Travelers

Press Releases Duncan Niederauer

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Legitimate Home Based Business Opportunity in the UK Recommended by - SBWire

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Video Five: How Safe is Buying a Franchise Business?

If you are considering starting a business, buying a business or purchasing a franchise, consider your options and take a good look at a franchise business. Learn the surprising success rates of our franchise clients and discover why franchising may be a safe and wise career choice for you. FranNet is the top franchise consulting firm in the US and Canada and with our free services we can help you safely select, evaluate, finance and succeed in a franchise business in Central Oregon, Idaho and Washington.

Contact us at:
Michael Sipe
Northwest Franchise Network

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Healthy Vending Franchise Reviews: Why I Chose HUMAN Healthy Vending

Healthy Vending Franchise Reviews Find out more at & read about our Healthy Vending Franchise Reviews.
Healthy Vending Machine Business owners talk about why they chose HUMAN Healthy Vending over the competition. To learn more about our unique Healthy Vending Franchise program, sign up to download our exclusive guide "The Healthy Vending Handbook" at

Healthy Vending Franchise Reviews

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Video Two: Succeeding in Your Franchise Business

If you are considering starting a business, buying a business or purchasing a franchise, consider your options and take a good look at a franchise business. FranNet is the top franchise consulting firm in the US and Canada and with our free services we can help you safely select, evaluate, finance and succeed in a franchise business in Central Oregon, Idaho and Washington.

Contact us at:
Michael Sipe
Northwest Franchise Network

View the original article here

After the Arab Spring, a Rush to Do Business in the Middle East

More than a year has passed since the Arab Spring, the catchall name for the revolutions sweeping the Middle East. The political and economic changes have closed some doors and opened others for business people willing to tolerate risk.

“I have seen a flurry of activity because of the Arab Spring that was not happening before,” said Naava Mashiah, an Israeli who is the chief executive of M.E. Links, a consulting company that she described as working “to nurture economic relationships between Israel and other places.”

Ms. Mashiah, who works out of Geneva, said much of the activity is in soft diplomacy and informal development meetings, often coordinated with human rights and nongovernmental organizations. She mentioned helping clients develop contacts in or from locations that include Tunisia, Qatar, Egypt and Libya.

“It is bringing people together, even if it is a think tank,” she said, adding: “A lot of networking goes on in the corridors.” She described the current back-channel activity and potential as akin to the 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians, which touched off an economic boom.

Chuck Dittrich, executive director of the U.S.-Libya Business Association, said he thought that American business people needed to “just get over there and get a feel for the place,” even if it did not seem immediately productive.

Mr. Dittrich said that association members were meeting Libyan government officials and business people, and that they were “not so much there to sell, as more developing relationships as they do their planning process and decide where to go now.” He mentioned Libyan trade shows focusing on oil, transportation and infrastructure development, health and education.

Mr. Dittrich said the Libyan economy had begun to be liberalized in 2005, when Muammar el-Qaddafi, then president, began courting the West. From a business perspective, he said, that means “the glass is more than half full,” adding, “The ingredients are all there for them to pull this off in a very good way.”

American businesses that wait too long, fearing the risks, could be left behind, he said. Mr. Dittrich said his group visited in April, and “we were the first organized U.S. business organization to go to Tripoli since the conflict.” But, he said, “Turkish and European delegations were there right from the early days.”

But a business traveler briefly stopping in the region has to make different preparations from someone who is based in a country in the midst of change. Marshall L. Stocker, a chartered financial analyst with the Boston hedge fund manager Emergent Property Advisors, moved to Cairo in June 2010, and temporarily fled after the mass protests began on Jan. 25, 2011.

“In Egypt, cells were off, the Internet was off. Obviously there was no business to be done. I was barricaded in my apartment,” he said, adding, “I self-evacuated to the airport with tickets for three different flights” that his wife had arranged for him from the United States.

Mr. Stocker returned in February 2011, after Hosni Mubarak resigned as president. Despite the disruptions, he said, Egypt presents business opportunities. “Now is a great time to buy assets,” he said. “Conceptually, and in practice here, assets are falling in value.”

He said his company was interested in Egypt because of the direction its business climate was moving. “One of the things that attracted us to Egypt was that the World Bank had improved its ‘ease of doing business’ rating,” he said. “Egypt had become more hospitable to investment. From 2004 to 2007, it had the single greatest improvement in ‘ease of doing business’ of any country in the world.”

While things have generally settled, he said he was prepared for emergencies. “As a result of the Arab Spring, I bought political evacuation insurance, and I have a satellite phone,” he said. He uses Global Rescue, a company that provides medical evacuation, security services and other emergency assistance. Still, Mr. Stocker said some Cairo business travel costs had decreased, including hotel rates and airfares.

View the original article here

Video Four: How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Franchise?

If you are considering starting a business, buying a business or purchasing a franchise, consider your options and take a good look at a franchise business. You may be surprised at how affordable franchising is and that owning your own business may be a wise career choice for you. FranNet is the top franchise consulting firm in the US and Canada and with our free services we can help you safely select, evaluate, finance and succeed in a franchise business in Central Oregon, Idaho and Washington.

Contact us at:
Michael Sipe
Northwest Franchise Network

View the original article here

Video Six: What are Today's Best Franchise Businesses?

If you are considering starting a business, buying a business or purchasing a franchise, consider your options and take a good look at a franchise business. Find out what smart entrepreneurs are investing in and why franchising may be a wise career choice for you. FranNet is the top franchise consulting firm in the US and Canada and with our free services we can help you safely select, evaluate, finance and succeed in a franchise business in Central Oregon, Idaho and Washington.

Contact us at:
Michael Sipe
Northwest Franchise Network

View the original article here

NAACP Misses Major Opportunity With Mitt Romney - Huffington Post

Mike Green: NAACP Misses Major Opportunity With Mitt Romney HPFB.init();
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Mike GreenAward-winning journalist; Public Speaker on Black Education & Innovation

GET UPDATES FROM Mike Green   Like 76 NAACP Misses Major Opportunity With Mitt RomneyPosted: 07/17/2012 12:02 pm React Amazing
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A chorus of boos reverberated among the crowd in Houston, Texas at the NAACP convention on July 11 in response to Mitt Romney's public pledge to repeal the new healthcare law, which the Republican presidential candidate referred to as "Obamacare."

Despite the display of discontent, it wasn't Mitt Romney who missed the mark at the NAACP convention, it was the NAACP.

Consider the setting for the meeting of two presumed diametrically opposed political perspectives:

Romney stood in front of a photo setting backdrop of flags on an elevated stage spotlighted behind a transparent podium branded with the logo of the NAACP. He looked down upon a crowd of mostly Black Americans while delivering a 20-minute canned speech that included a divisive term deliberately designed to incite the crowd.

My question is simply, why?

Mitt's Message

I don't wonder why Romney intentionally dropped the term "Obamacare," a political misnomer that has become the nasty mud-slinging calling card of the GOP in its effort to brand the new healthcare law as the linchpin of an aggressive attack upon the president -- as though he alone were responsible for the decisions of the majority of representatives in both houses of congress, the majority of the American people and the Supreme Court.

I naively expected Romney to show common courtesy and respect of the president in a room filled with presumed core constituents, but I wasn't surprised at the inflammatory rhetoric from a candidate who views President Obama as an enemy on a battlefield of influence. Romney didn't come to the NAACP convention to speak to the NAACP. He was there to leverage the moment to speak to his own core supporters -- those who coined the derogatory term, "Obamacare," and sharpened the rhetoric Romney was happy to launch into the crowd. Romney didn't disappoint them.

But I was disappointed by the NAACP.

NAACP Faux Pas

Inviting Mitt Romney to the convention was the right thing to do. Standing him above the crowd, bathed in bright spotlights beneath which he was free to deliver 20+ minutes of a scorched brand of vague milquetoast political promises, was unconscionable.

Instead, the NAACP should've invited Romney to give a five-minute speech followed by a chat with the NAACP president, Ben Jealous. Both should've been on stage. Romney should have had no script and no 20-minute dish-and-dash opportunity.

Mr. Jealous might've been equipped with a set of questions, most of which could've been curated from a crowdsourcing tool on the NAACP website that invited questions from its members nationwide. Mr. Jealous would've asked each selected question and one followup based upon Romney's responses.

The NAACP might've scheduled Romney for a 30-minute live online engagement following his stage appearance in order that hundreds of thousands of online users might've participated in a Q&A following the live broadcast of Romney's convention appearance.

The setup would've empowered the NAACP to have a real engagement with the real presidential candidate. If he had refused the invitation based upon the setup, Mr. Romney would've faced the PR nightmare of dodging accusations that he was unwilling to have a real discussion with NAACP members, preferring only a bully pulpit.

Questions for Mitt Romney

In a discussion setting, the NAACP could've asked questions that no media have asked Mitt Romney:

Mr. Romney, you proclaim your policies as president would be better for Black Americans than those under President Obama. Would your record as governor of Massachusetts support that premise and could you provide data on the education and economic welfare of Black Americans in your state that supports your premise?

Mr. Romney, you promise to provide low-income parents a choice of where to send their children to school. But what have you done -- not going to do -- to ensure all public schools are effective in preparing all students, regardless of income, for a 21st century marketplace dominated by a demand for science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM-educated, workers and entrepreneurs?

Mr. Romney, your background is in venture capital, which is a major part of a relatively new risk capital industry that claims responsibility for rapid job growth and has ballooned since its inception in the 60s when Black Americans were still fighting for Civil Rights. The risk capital industry, which has incorporated public pension funds into investments in hundreds of thousands of companies, is an industry in which the percentage of Black Americans, lumped in with Latino Americans in the latest National Venture Capital Census, is less than 2 percent, as is the spectrum of companies into which more than a half-trillion dollars has been invested over the past several decades. What have you done to ensure non-Whites are included in the innovation economy as entrepreneurs with access to risk capital and as risk capital investors?

Mr. Romney, let's talk about something you know a lot about, job growth and wealth creation. In 2007, there were 1.9 million Black-owned businesses in the U.S. that produced $137.5B in revenue, which amounts to LESS than 1% of the $14T GDP of the nation. More than 1.8 million of those 1.9 million businesses were sole proprietors. That was before the economic collapse that started in late 2007 and escalated through 2008. Were you aware of the extreme disconnection of Black entrepreneurs from the venture-fueled fast-paced tech-driven innovation economy? What have you done to address this issue in the past and what will you do about it regardless of whether you become president?

I'm saddened by the NAACP's missed opportunity to engage in a real discussion and debate with Mr. Romney. My hope is the NAACP is interested in engaging in such an ongoing discussion with both Republican and Democratic parties and will produce a stage for debate in the very near future to discuss these and other extremely important issues.

And I'm hopeful the NAACP will invite me to moderate and ask the questions that no one else has thought to ask.


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Romney and the NAACP: A Missed Opportunity

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of our newest badge: Community Curator. View AllFavorites Recency |  Popularity photoHUFFPOST SUPER USERJondrea Smithuntied dog in a dogmatic society307 Fans 19 minutes ago ( 1:48 PM)I agree that there should have been a more intellectual discussion, but given the Mr. Romney's willingness and ability to answer such discussion effectively, it would've been much like me arm-wrestling a three-year-old...Jondrea_Smith: I agree that there should have been a more intellectual |Permalink |Share itThis comment has been down-ranked into oblivion. View comment You have not right to carry out this operation or Error this operation. spinnerLoading comments… photoHUFFPOST SUPER USERGiglawyerI'm a conservative, and you may not like that.364 Fans 54 minutes ago ( 1:13 PM)I suer will be interested to see you ask those same questions of Obama when he sits down with the NAACP for his chit-chat. Oh, wait...Giglawyer: I suer will be interested to see you ask those |Permalink |Share itThis comment has been down-ranked into oblivion. View comment You have not right to carry out this operation or Error this operation. spinnerLoading comments…    new comment(s) on this entry — Click to refreshspinnerLoading comments… California Strong Obama 55 electoral votes Connecticut Strong Obama 7 electoral votes Washington, D.C. Strong Obama 3 electoral votes Delaware Strong Obama 3 electoral votes Hawaii Strong Obama 4 electoral votes Illinois Strong Obama 20 electoral votes Massachusetts Strong Obama 11 electoral votes Maryland Strong Obama 10 electoral votes Maine Strong Obama 4 electoral votes Minnesota Strong Obama 10 electoral votes New Jersey Strong Obama 14 electoral votes New Mexico Strong Obama 5 electoral votes New York Strong Obama 29 electoral votes Oregon Strong Obama 7 electoral votes Pennsylvania Strong Obama 20 electoral votes Rhode Island Strong Obama 4 electoral votes Vermont Strong Obama 3 electoral votes Washington Strong Obama 12 electoral votes Colorado Leans Obama 9 electoral votes Iowa Leans Obama 6 electoral votes New Hampshire Leans Obama 4 electoral votes Nevada Leans Obama 6 electoral votes Ohio Leans Obama 18 electoral votes Wisconsin Leans Obama 10 electoral votes Florida Tossup 29 electoral votes Michigan Tossup 16 electoral votes North Carolina Tossup 15 electoral votes Virginia Tossup 13 electoral votes Missouri Leans Romney 10 electoral votes Alaska Strong Romney 3 electoral votes Alabama Strong Romney 9 electoral votes Arkansas Strong Romney 6 electoral votes Arizona Strong Romney 11 electoral votes Georgia Strong Romney 16 electoral votes Idaho Strong Romney 4 electoral votes Indiana Strong Romney 11 electoral votes Kansas Strong Romney 6 electoral votes Kentucky Strong Romney 8 electoral votes Louisiana Strong Romney 8 electoral votes Mississippi Strong Romney 6 electoral votes Montana Strong Romney 3 electoral votes North Dakota Strong Romney 3 electoral votes Nebraska Strong Romney 5 electoral votes Oklahoma Strong Romney 7 electoral votes South Carolina Strong Romney 9 electoral votes South Dakota Strong Romney 3 electoral votes Tennessee Strong Romney 11 electoral votes Texas Strong Romney 38 electoral votes Utah Strong Romney 6 electoral votes West Virginia Strong Romney 5 electoral votes Wyoming Strong Romney 3 electoral votes Electoral Outlook 2012 Based on HuffPost Pollster charts and analysis Romney 191 Electoral Votes Obama 274 Electoral Votes Election Map TOP VIDEO PICKS1 of 7 You've Got Jimmie Walker PlayPlay You've Got Sherri Shepherd PlayPlay Huffington Post Sports: Jerry Rice Interview PlayPlay FOLLOW US Facebook Twitter Apple Android Blackberry Email Rss Connect with your friends Check out stories you might like,
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