Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Best Home Based Energy Business Just Got Even Better - Energy Is Going Global - Houston Chronicle

Making money when people pay their electric bill is an extremely attractive way to make a residual income from home. This home based energy business is going places as the opportunity is expanding beyond North America, starting with the U.K. Freedomfflow LLC's independent representatives are excited to announce their participation in the expansion of international recruitment of entrepreneurs seeking to work from home.

(PRWEB) April 23, 2012

Statistics from sources like the U.S Census, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, and others reveal a growing trend in home based business start ups. Two of the more noteworthy statistics found are that more than 12% of households in the U.S. have a home based business, and the annual revenue generated from home based business owners exceeds $400 billion dollars.

The economy hasn't been this bad in more than half a century and the U-6 unemployment rate has been in double digits for quite some time. The rising number of people stepping up and becoming entrepreneurs leads one to ask the question, "What is the best home based business?"

Determining the best home based business opportunity is somewhat subjective, as there are many factors that can be weighted differently by each individual. These include the following:
Start up costInventory requirementsMarket sizeProduct or service fulfillment requirementsCompensation plan and profit potentialResidual income potential and attrition ratesComplexity of sales cycle

The best home business opportunity would include a low start up cost, no inventory requirements, a massive and ubiquitous market, a simple sales process that is easily duplicated, a compensation plan that leverages the work of others, and the potential for a large residual income with a very low attrition rate for the monthly services that contribute to that residual income.

From the many home based business opportunities that have been reviewed by Freedomfflow LLC, they have chosen Momentis as the best one as it has all of the metrics described above.

Let's examine some of these items a bit more closely.

Most times the bulk of the start up cost is for purchasing inventory. More and more businesses do not require the business owner to hold significant inventory as the product is typically housed and fulfilled by a parent company the home business owner represents. Yet many of these same businesses require a monthly inventory purchase, typically called an "auto-ship," by the business owner to maintain their status as a representative of the company. More than 90% of home based businesses that require such an auto-ship fail within the first six months as the business owner quits due to the monthly cost of purchasing this inventory and their inability to recoup that cost by selling it.

The market type and market size must be considered closely. Clearly, the bigger the market, the easier it should be to find customers. However, products considered luxury products or non-essential products are risky because they are the first to be cut when consumers tighten their budgets. These types of products also will have a higher attrition rate which leads to a short residual income potential. Health and wellness products are very viable as the massive baby-boomer segment of our population is focused on staying healthy and looking younger. Although these products and services are considered essential by many of the people who use them, in a very tough economy the juices, vitamins, and supplements are also likely to become expendable.

The best product for a home based business would not be a product at all. It would be a service, and it would be a service that the potential customer is already paying for. In this case, there is no new bill. To attract a customer for a service they are already using requires a better price or a better service, or both. Energy deregulation is creating that choice for a massive market place.

The Momentis opportunity enables a home based business owner to enter into the home energy market place. This market is over $500 billion dollars strong in North America. Momentis is soon to be expanding into the United Kingdom, expanding this massive market even further.

The basic concept is to direct a potential customer to a website where they can see the options they have to purchase electricity and natural gas. Deregulation of the energy industry allows competition and competition will drive down prices. The same infrastructure and local companies still deliver, bill, and service the energy buyer. However, the actual energy can be purchased from different suppliers at different rates.

Deregulation only happens once to an industry. It is happening right now to the energy industry. Momentis offers a very attractive vehicle to work from home in this market place. Momentis is looking to expand its energy customer base and has embraced relationship marketing as the vehicle to reach its expansion goals. This has opened the door for a growing number of people to start a home based business that offers many advantages including market size, product appeal, and earnings potential.

Furthermore, this opportunity is expanding from the North American continent to the European continent, starting in the U.K., and the current success and other signs point to a broader global expansion in the months ahead.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prwebbest_home_based_business/homebasedenergybusiness/prweb9430000.htm

View the original article here

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