Monday, January 30, 2012

Social Media Marketing Strategies and Emerging Opportunities in BRIC Countries

NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Social Media Marketing Strategies and Emerging Opportunities in BRIC Countries


The report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights, including:• In-depth analysis of social media marketing strategies in the four BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China• A comprehensive understanding of country-specific market trends, drivers, opportunities and challenges across key industries • Detailed social networking user market sizing for each BRIC country for a period of 10 years (2007–2016) along with expansion strategies

Executive Summary

Across the four BRIC countries (Brazil, India, Russia and China), social media penetration has reached a reasonable level for encouraging strong marketing initiatives. Given the global reach and interactive capabilities of social media, companies across key industries have started developing a social media marketing strategy with increased marketing budget allocations. The key influencers include direct access to a large user base of potential consumers, and insights into key changing trends and the thought processes behind buying decisions. Although it varies across industries, social media marketing's broad focus is on developing products targeted at specific consumer groups, launching new product offerings and monitoring brand image sentiments.

Although the growth of social media marketing in the BRIC countries is promising, there are obvious challenges in reaching diverse customer groups from this marketing channel due to fragmented industries, low literacy rates and the relatively underdeveloped mobile infrastructure. BRICdata expects the adoption of social media marketing in the BRIC countries to be gradual and to increase alongside the growing popularity of social media networks.

ScopeThis report provides an extensive analysis of social media marketing strategies used in the four BRIC nations – Brazil, Russia, India and China.

• The report provides a detailed understanding of how social media platforms are being used to identify new markets, launch products, gather customer feedback and monitor brand performance across five key consumer focused industries: Healthcare, BFSI, Travel and Tourism, FMCG and Entertainment.

• The report provides insights into the evolving social media market sizes for each country over a 10 year period, 2007–2016, along with market trends, growth drivers, opportunities and challenges.

• It also provides insights into future social media marketing strategies adopted by players in each industry to strengthen market position.

Reasons To Buy• Gain in-depth insight into the social media marketing strategies used in each of the BRIC countries

• Understand the various market dynamics within the BRIC countries by key industry and use the knowledge to capitalize on the potential of these high-growth markets

• Take informed decisions and formulate effective technical and marketing strategies based on the report's detailed market insights on social media marketing strategies

• Identify the key specific growth segments within the social media marketing sector in each of the BRIC countries

• Understand the growth strategies adopted by key companies and social networking sites

Key Highlights• Social media marketing in the BRIC countries is still in its early stage of development, and while companies are keen to redesign strategies to benefit from this platform, tools and knowledge on measuring returns on investment remain unclear. However, BRICdata expects this will change significantly during the forecast period, following wider social media marketing participation from companies.

• Social media in Brazil is increasingly used by companies as a strategic marketing tool. The main use of social networks by companies in Brazil is for advertising their products and services, followed by brand monitoring and identifying sales opportunities. Companies are now evaluating their marketing budgets and BRICdata expects there will be an increased budget allocation for social media marketing during the forecast period (2012–2016).

• Spamming on social networks and linguistic barriers for non-Russian brands are the key challenges in a digital marketing campaign. It is vital for marketers to understand the internet penetration and income groups of their end users, as the economy and consumer behavior can differ depending on the region. Social gaming is expected to register impressive growth over the forecast period, to become one of the most attractive areas for social media marketing activities.

• The rapid growth in social media marketing is helping companies win business in India. According to estimates in 2010, over 50% of the companies were successful in broadening their customer base through digital media campaigns. BRICdata expects the amount of spending on social media marketing will increase as a percentage of overall sales and marketing expenditure during the forecast period.

• The popularity of mobile internet increases the value proposition for marketing initiatives, which can impact China's rural market and low-income groups. With the country's increasing mobile penetration, more marketing budgets will be allocated for social media as mobile phone ads become more interactive and engaging. The launch of 3G and upcoming 4G services will further fuel the growth of social media marketing in the country.

Table of Contents1 Executive Summary2 BRIC Social Media Marketing Attractiveness2.1 Social Media Market Environment in BRIC Countries2.2 Future Prospects of Social Media Marketing in BRIC Countries2.3 Social Media Marketing Challenges in BRIC Countries3 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Brazil3.1 Introduction to Social Media Market in Brazil3.2 Key Drivers of Social Media in Brazil3.2.1 Infrastructure drivers: mobile and internet3.2.2 Consumer drivers3.2.3 Business drivers3.3 Social Media Future Prospects and Growth Strategies3.3.1 Overview of social media subscribers3.3.2 Future potential of social network users3.3.3 Growth strategies adopted by social networking sites3.4 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Key Industries3.4.1 Healthcare3.4.2 BFSI3.4.3 Travel and tourism3.4.4 FMCG3.4.5 Entertainment3.5 Case Studies3.5.1 Samsung Omnia 23.5.2 Unilever OMO3.6 Challenges3.7 Future of Social Media Marketing3.7.1 Overview3.7.2 Social media marketing strategies3.7.3 Technology and devices3.7.4 Social networking site strategies4 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Russia4.1 Introduction to Social Media Market in Russia4.2 Key Drivers of Social Media in Russia4.2.1 Infrastructure drivers: mobile and internet4.2.2 Consumer drivers4.2.3 Business drivers4.3 Social Media Future Prospects and Growth Strategies4.3.1 Overview of social media subscribers4.3.2 Future potential of social media subscribers4.3.3 Growth strategies adopted by social networking sites4.4 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Key Industries4.4.1 Healthcare4.4.2 BFSI4.4.3 Travel and tourism4.4.4 FMCG4.4.5 Entertainment4.5 Case Studies4.5.1 Clearasil Russia4.5.2 HTC Russia4.6 Challenges4.7 Future of Social Media Marketing4.7.1 Overview4.7.2 Social media marketing strategies4.7.3 Technology and devices4.7.4 Social networking site strategy5 Social Media Marketing Strategies in India5.1 Introduction to Social Media Market in India5.2 Key Drivers of Social Media in India5.2.1 Infrastructure drivers: mobile and internet5.2.2 Consumer drivers5.2.3 Business drivers5.3 Social Media Future Prospects and Growth Strategies5.3.1 Overview of social media subscribers5.3.2 Future potential5.3.3 Growth strategies adopted by social networking sites5.4 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Key Industries5.4.1 Healthcare5.4.2 BFSI5.4.3 Travel and tourism5.4.4 FMCG5.4.5 Entertainment5.5 Case Studies5.5.1 PepsiCo India5.5.2 Mahindra Homestays5.6 Challenges5.7 Future of Social Media Marketing in India5.7.1 Overview5.7.2 Social media marketing strategies5.7.3 Technology and devices5.7.4 Social networking site strategy6 Social Media Marketing Strategies in China6.1 Introduction to Social Media Market in China6.2 Key Drivers of Social Media in China6.2.1 Infrastructure drivers: mobile and internet6.2.2 Consumer drivers6.2.3 Business drivers6.3 Social Media Future Prospects and Growth Strategies6.3.1 Overview of social media subscribers6.3.2 Future potential6.3.3 Growth strategies adopted by social networking sites6.4 Social Media Marketing Strategies in Key Industries6.4.1 Healthcare6.4.2 BFSI6.4.3 Travel and tourism6.4.4 FMCG6.4.5 Entertainment6.5 Case Studies6.5.1 Lancome China6.5.2 Lufthansa China6.6 Challenges6.7 Future of Social Media Marketing6.7.1 Overview6.7.2 Social media marketing strategies6.7.3 Technology and devices6.7.4 Social networking site strategy7 Appendix7.1 What is this Report About?7.2 Definitions7.3 Methodology7.4 DisclaimerList of TablesTable 1: Market Environment for Social Media in BRIC Countries, 2011Table 2: Future of Social Media Marketing in Brazil by IndustryTable 3: Future of Social Media Marketing in RussiaTable 4: Awareness and Usage of Social Networking vs. Other Mobile Data Services by Age GroupTable 5: The Future of Social Media Marketing in IndiaTable 6: Future of Social Media Marketing in ChinaTable 7: BRICdata Social Media Marketing DefinitionsList of FiguresFigure 1: Snapshot of Social Media Usage in Brazil, 2011Figure 2: Leading Social Networking Websites in Brazil, 2010Figure 3: User Growth Comparison (Million), Facebook vs. OrkutFigure 4: Platforms Used by Companies that Engage in Social Media Marketing in Brazil (%), 2010Figure 5: Internet Users in Brazil (Million), 2007-2016Figure 6: Mobile Users in Brazil (Million), 2007-2016Figure 7: Number of Social Networking Users in Brazil (Million), 2007-2011Figure 8: Number of Social Networking Users in Brazil (Million), 2012-2016Figure 9: Snapshot of Social Media Strategies in Key Industries in BrazilFigure 10: Leading Initiatives by Companies Using Social Media in Brazil, March 2010Figure 11: Healthcare Industry Using Social Media for Recruitment in BrazilFigure 12: Banks Using Slideshare in BrazilFigure 13: TAM Airlines Page on TwitterFigure 14: Barriers to Adopting Social Media, March 2010Figure 15: Snapshot of Social Media in Russia, 2011Figure 16: Number of Internet Users in Russia (Million), 2007-2016Figure 17: Number of Mobile Users in Russia (Million), 2007-2016Figure 18: Top 10 Countries by Time Spent on Social Networking Sites, August 2010Figure 19: Number of Social Networking Users in Russia (Million), 2007-2011Figure 20: Number of Social Networking Users in Russia (Million), 2012-2016Figure 21: Snapshot of Prison Game on VkontakteFigure 22: Snapshot of Social Media Strategies in Key Industries in RussiaFigure 23: Sberbank Rossii Page on VkontakteFigure 24: Baltimore Contest on VkontakteFigure 25: Clearasil "CLEARBOOTH" ApplicationFigure 26: Leading Social Networking Sites in India, July 2010Figure 27: Snapshot of Social Media Usage in India, 2011Figure 28: Internet Penetration Rate in India, 2007-2016Figure 29: Number of Mobile Users (Million), 2007-2016Figure 30: Indian Internet Usage Split by Customer GroupFigure 31: Active Facebook Activities on Internet, Urban and Rural IndiaFigure 32: Social Network Users in India (Million), 2007-2011Figure 33: Social Networking Users in India (Million), 2012-2016Figure 34: Snapshot of Social Media Strategies in Key Industries in IndiaFigure 35: Actve Facebook Fan PageFigure 36: Snapshot of Social Media Usage in China, 2011Figure 37: Number of Internet Users in China (Million), 2007-2016Figure 38: Number of Mobile Users in China (Million), 2007-2016Figure 39: Growth in 3G Subscriber Base (Millions), December 2010 - July 2011Figure 40: Internet Consumer Behavior in China, June 2010Figure 41: Internet Usage Split by Age-group in ChinaFigure 42: Number of Social Network Users in China (Million), 2007-2011Figure 43: Number of Social Network Users in China (Million), 2012-2016Figure 44: Snapshot of Chinese Social Media Strategies in Key Industries

To order this report:Internet Business Industry: Social Media Marketing Strategies and Emerging Opportunities in BRIC Countries


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Nicolas Bombourg
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626  

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