Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Syntek Global Xtreme Fuel Treatment Home Business

http://www.SyntekHomeBusiness.com - Everest John Alexander 772-626-7579

XFT or Xtreme Fuel Treatment, Syntek Global's flagship product is a powerfully concentrated green fuel enhancement additive that has been shown to save users up to 25% of the cost off fuel at the pump.

It is designed to accomplish 4 functions. * 1) Increase life of engine * 2) Increases fuel economy * 3) Increase horsepower and performance * 4) Reduces Emissions

Xtreme Fuel Treatment holds several US Patents, is registered with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has been rigorously tested by 3rd party agencies over many years.

XFT has been documented and is proven to lower the ignition point of fuel, reduce friction in any engine, stabilize fuel for a longer burn, inhibit rust and corrosion, remove water and condensation, and also act as a detergent, cleaning out your engine as it improves your fuel economy.

Syntek Global offers a 100% 30 day money back guarantee on XFT and because of an Act of Congress the product cannot void any manufacturer's engine warranty.

Even so, Syntek Global has a million dollar insurance policy in place as a back-up for any frivolous insurance claims made by any automobile manufacturer.

In over 20 years it has never had a single insurance claim filed.

The Syntek Global Business Opportunity Offers the Solution To Rising Gas Prices!

For a low one-time investment, you can generate a full time residual income in what experts are calling a "Once In A Lifetime" opportunity.

We have a product in the fuel industry that is putting people and companies all over the world in a position to save money every time they pump gas - an unavoidable cost.

If you're independent, motivated, and want to capitalize on the largest industry in the world, then this is for you!

Think About This...

Is there big money in the fuel industry? Yes!

The United States pumped 146 billion gallons of fuel last year

Is it a recession proof product? -- Yes!

80% Customer Retention Rate... 8 out of 10 customers will buy every month! It's based upon a need... not a want

Is everyone your market? -- Yes!

How many people do you know who drive a vehicle?

Is it a ground floor opportunity? -- Yes!

We only have 10,000 active reps...We are nowhere near critical mass! Experienced Network Marketers will make a fortune with this opportunity!

Is the product tried and tested? - Yes!

Xtreme Fuel Treatment has been successfully used by large commercial companies for the past 20 years. It is a patented "green" product, independently tested by Universities and Labs across the the United States, registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and scientifically proven to work.

Is it the most lucrative Compensation Plan? -- Yes!

Residual Income, Bonus Pools, Check Matching, Team Commissions, Bonuses, Car Program, Trips, Incentives, and much more...


View the original article here

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